Come TEC Instructor sarai abilitato a insegnare il corso Tec 40 e potrai assistere durante i corsi Tec 45 e Tec 50.
Nel corso apprenderai come tenere efficaci lezioni teoriche e dimostrare gli skills TecRec in piscina, oltre a impratichirti con gli standard e procedure. Dovrai completare 3 immersioni di addestrameno in mare o lago e dopo aver superato l’esame teorico, conseguirai la certificazone Tec Instructor!!
Nel corso Istruttori Tec Instructor è possibile includere i corsi Tec40 e Tec45 Diver in modo da creare un programma formativo personalizzato. Pertanto la durata del corso TecRec Tec Instructor può richiedere da 3-4 giorni (solo corso Tec Instructor) fino a 3 weekend (con i corsi Tec40 e Tec45).
PADI MSDT (*) + TEC45 Diver (*)
PADI EAN Instructor (*)
PADI Deep Diver Instructor (*)
100 logged dives, of which:
20 deco dives
20 Nitrox, 25> 18mt, 15> 30mt
minimum age 18 years
medical certificate
(*) or equivalent
During the course, you will improve your teaching attendance and skills in the pool, as well as practice with the standards and procedures. The course includes 3 training dives in the sea and your participation as an auditor in a Tec 45 or Tec 50 course. At the end, after passing the theoretical exam, you will obtain the Tec Deep Instructor certification !!
In the Tec Deep Instructor Instructor course it is possible to include the Tec 50 Diver course in order to create a personalized training program. Therefore the duration of the Tec Deep Instructor course can take from 3-4 days (Tec Deep Instructor course only) or 2 weekends (with the Tec 50 course).
270 logged dives
PADI EAN Instructor (*)
PADI Deep Diver Instructor (*)
270 immersioni registrate
including 25 with decompression
having attended a Tec 45 or Tec 50 course
issued 10 EAN / Deep Diver patents
(*) or equivalent
Sede operativa
via Musone 5/5
65129 Pescara PE Italy
Sede legale
St. Pr. Pescara S. Silvestro 22
65129 Pescara PE Italy
ID PADI: 799428
ID DAN: 314676